Aion 7.5 skill effect IDs

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effect1 typeeffect1 basiclvnamelocalized name
curse AEL_Curse_Sh_PwAtk_UndeadSummon Curse
Ab1_Boss_PowerATK_04 Frozen Curse Wave / Frost Curse Wave
BNAS_SatkBleedCurse_TA Agonized Memory
BNEL_CurseHPMPArea_Nr Flaying Curse
BNEL_CurseS1800MPattTA5_LC_No Curse of Soul
BNEL_CurseShortStunTA30_No Strike with Grudge
IDDramata_Curse_Nr Padmarashka's Curse
IDF4Re_CurseShot Arrow of Grief
IDF5U2_BNWI_CurseStDnDff Withering Gloom / Ghastly Darkness
bleed IDF8_Dragon_Altar_lavapulverization Pulverizing Lava / Lava Blow
curse IDVritraBase_Nmd1_Curse Curse of the Rune
IDYun_Vasharti_Sum_GloveAtk_Blue Blue Flame Shower
IDYun_Vasharti_Violet_DoT Purple Flame
NEL_CurseTA5_No Wave of Curse
NEL_Curse_Dark Death Curse
NEL_Curse_Nr Curse
NGR_CurseShapeTA_Ghost Out-of-Body Experience
NGR_SkillATKDrainTA_Instant_VampireQueen Merciless Blood Sucking
NGR_SkillATKDrain_Instant_Vampire Cursed Blood-sucking
NGR_SkillATKDrain_Instant_VampireQueen Strong Blood Sucking
NWI_Tree_Nr Curse of Roots
NWI_Vritra_LowNmd_CurseStDnDff_Dark Withering Gloom / Ghastly Darkness
item_scroll_black_pearl Cursed Black Opal Effect
0 EL_EnervationCurse_G1 Withering Gloom Lv 1
EL_EnervationCurse_G2 Withering Gloom Lv 2
EL_EnervationCurse_G3 Withering Gloom Lv 3
EL_EnervationCurse_G4 Withering Gloom Lv 4
20 EL_EnervationCurse_G5 Withering Gloom Lv 5
EL_EnervationCurse_G6 Withering Gloom Lv 6
EL_EnervationCurse_G7 Withering Gloom Lv 7
EL_EnervationCurse_G8 (Advanced) Withering Gloom / (Improved) Withering Gloom Lv 8
Event_ServerNmd_EL_EnervationCurse_G7 Withering Gloom