Aion Classic skill effect IDs

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effect1 typeeffect1 basiclvidnamelocalized name
reflector 424 KN_HolyWrath_G1 Holy Shield I Lv 3
1103 PR_SkinOfThorn_G1 Thorny Skin I Lv 1
1566 WI_FrozenSeal_G1 Robe of Cold I Lv 1
1976 KN_ReflectShield_G1 Barricade of Steel I Lv 1
8227 HolyWrathEffect Holy Wraith Effect
8246 KN_AuraShieldEffect
8273 KN_Aura_AntiMagic_G1_Effect Aura: Anti Magic I Effect
8275 KN_Aura_HolyWrath_G2_Effect Aura: Holy Shield II Effect
8276 KN_Aura_RepelArrow_G1_Effect Aura: Repel Arrow I Effect
11489 Stigma_Reflect Stigma Burning Shield
11549 Stigma_HolyWrath_G1 Stigma Holy Shield I
11577 Stigma_SkinOfThorn_G1 Thorny Skin I Lv 1
16392 GNWI_Reflector_Nr Reflect
16407 NWI_Reflector_Self Mirror
16471 NWI_Reflectshort_D3 Protective Shield of Reverse Force
16483 Tab_NFI_Reflector Countershield
16497 Tab_NEL_Reflector Darkness Shield
16699 NWI_Reflector_Nr Reflect
16911 GNWI_Reflector_Boss Powerful Damage Reflection
17429 Order_ElementalField_G1_Fire Spirit Wall of Protection I Fire
17817 BNEL_Reflect100_Self Fatal Reflection
17857 NBEL_Reflec120s100_Self
17868 BNWI_Reflect10s_Self Repay
18174 NWI_RefPyAttS6_Ch2 Reflective Shield
18213 BNWI_Reflect10S300S_No Reflect
18344 GEL_ReflectorTA_CPet Spirit Defense
18380 BNFI_Reflect20s_Self Cruel Counter Blow
18433 Chf_Refm15_Self Fatal Reflection
18434 CSum_Ref_Self
18553 BNWI_PhyReflector_Self Copper Mirror
18554 BNWI_MagReflector_Self Amethyst Mirror
18555 BNWI_PerfectReflector_Self Bronze Mirror
18593 BNEL_PerfectReflector_Self AI Counterattack
18604 BNFI_PhyReflector_Self Silver Mirror
18643 BNKN_Keeper_ThornSelf_Nr Blade Storm
18896 IDCatacombs_Summoner_Reflector Punishment
18934 SGWI_Reflector_Nr Punishing Shield
18992 BNAS_allReflector_DFRaid Survival Instinct
19081 IDCatacombs_Normal_Reflect Seal of Submission
19121 BNWI_Reflector15m_Self Seal of Reflection
19142 IDAbRe_CoreN_ReflectMelee Crystal Mesh
19186 BN_SleepSelf_Dramata Protective Slumber
19197 BN_SleepSelf2_Dramata
19257 IDAbRe_CoreB_NmdDShield Lapilima's Shield
19448 IDForest_Wave_AreaShield Barrier and damage reflection
19510 IDElemental_Prime_Buff2 Invincible Tuali
19639 IDArena_Bonus_Reflect Armor of Retribution
19686 IDArena_Reflec30s100_Self Fatal Reflection
19765 IDArena_Solo_S5_Pr_SkinOfThorn_G1 Thorny Skin I
19791 IDArena_Solo_S2_Bonus_Reflect Armor of Retribution
20 425 KN_HolyWrath_G2 Holy Shield II Lv 4
1104 PR_SkinOfThorn_G2 Thorny Skin II Lv 2
1518 WI_BurningShield_G2 Barrier of Chastisement II Lv 2
1586 WI_FrozenSeal_G2 Robe of Cold II Lv 2
17594 Order_ElementalField_G2_Fire Spirit Wall of Protection II Fire
19772 IDArena_Solo_S5_Ma_FrozenSeal_G2 Robe of Cold II
40 527 KN_HolyWrath_G3 Holy Shield III Lv 5
2133 PR_SkinOfThorn_G3 Thorny Skin III Lv 3
2210 WI_FrozenSeal_G3 Robe of Cold III Lv 3
17622 Order_ElementalField_G3_Fire Spirit Wall of Protection III Fire
60 2058 KN_HolyWrath_G4 Holy Shield IV Lv 6
17626 Order_ElementalField_G4_Fire Spirit Wall of Protection IV Fire
100 8468 KN_AbysalJudgement_G1_Buff Chastisement of Darkness I Effect
120 8469 KN_AbysalJudgement_G2_Buff Chastisement of Darkness II Effect
140 8470 KN_AbysalJudgement_G3_Buff Chastisement of Darkness III
160 8514 KN_AbysalJudgement_G4_Buff Chastisement of Darkness IV
200 1433 Wi_IcyShield_G1 Wintry Armor I Lv 1
9838 item_deva_Cromede_Buff Maga's Potion
11903 Abyss_RankerSkill_AbyssianField_G1 Reflective Abyssal Aegis I
250 19111 FGC_Reflect_Chief Shield of Reflection