Aion Classic skill effect IDs

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effect1 typeeffect1 basiclvidnamelocalized name
alwaysblock 8710 KN_CryingInsult_G1_Buff Cry of Ridicule Effect
8711 KN_CryingInsult_G2_Buff
16423 NKN_StatUpPhysicalDefense_Cr Crouch
18742 Catacombs_ATKdeathknight Wrathful Strike
18902 IDCatacombs_BombDrakan_PowerATK Auspicious Spur
19007 IDCatacombs_Shulack_poison7 Violent Cloud
19042 IDCatacombs_Boss_Drake_AreaATK Inevitable Flame
19138 IDAbRe_CoreN_Bleed Cowering
19148 IDAbRe_CoreB_BlockUp Resistance
19383 IDHouse_Zadra2_BlockAtk Rakescar
19644 IDElemental_Bridge_BlockATK Weaken
19647 IDElemental_ManduriT_BlockATK
19649 IDElemental2_Butler_BlockATK
20 413 KN_InvinsibleShield_G1 Shield of Faith I Lv 1
2056 KN_InvinsibleShield_G2 Shield of Faith II Lv 2
100 8465 KN_DivineJudgement_G1_Buff Divine Chastisement I Effect
120 8466 KN_DivineJudgement_G2_Buff Divine Chastisement II
140 8467 KN_DivineJudgement_G3_Buff Divine Chastisement III
160 8516 KN_DivineJudgement_G4_Buff Divine Chastisement IV