Aion Classic (c2.8) Skills Comparison (changes only)

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2575 WA_RobustHit_G6 Ferocious Strike VI
56 [Cooldown] 10.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Chain] [Start] → WFK_ChainA_1th
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 141 (1)
[Conditional Damage] +137 (1) on _Race_Drakan, _Race_lizardman, _Race_naga
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Enmity] 15914 (237)
[Delay ID] 122
[Physical Active skill]
2584 FI_SeismicDrain_G3 Absorbing Fury III
58 [Cooldown] 10.0
[Cost] 172 MP
[AOE] Fireball radius 7
[Max affected targets] 3
[Chain] [Start] → WFK_ChainB_1th
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATKDrain_Instant Damage 258 (7)
[Life Leech] 50%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword polearm
[Delay ID] 335
[Normal Stigma]
[Physical Active skill]
2576 FI_SeismicWave_G5 Seismic Wave V
57 [Cooldown] 10.0
[Cost] 35 MP
[AOE] Fireball radius 7
[Max affected targets] 3
[Chain] [Start] → WFK_ChainB_1th
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 178 (4)
[Required Weapon] 2hsword polearm
[Delay ID] 335
[Physical Active skill]
2670 ALL_GlideATK_FI Storming Strike
58 [Cooldown] 60.0
[Range] 35
[Gap] 7
[AOE] Fireball radius 3
[Max affected targets] 4
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Target Flying Restriction] ground
MoveLocation 35
[Not resistable]
SkillATK_Instant Damage 327 (2)
[Attack effect] Stumble
[Accurate hit level 100]
[Damage do not count toward Enmity]
[Glide skill]
[Physical Active skill]
2579 FI_AbysalRage_G5 Explosion of Rage V
[Asmodian Only]
57 [Cooldown] 10.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost DP] 2000
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 784 (22)
[Attack effect] Stumble
[Accurate hit level 2]
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 362
[Physical Active skill]
2566 FI_CounterDrain_UP_G1 Recovering Counter I
58 [Cooldown] 60.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 163 MP
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] target
[Target relation] enemy
[Counter Skill] Parry
SkillATKDrain_Instant Damage 482 (4)
[Life Leech] 120%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 93
[Physical Active skill]
2578 FI_DivineRage_G5 Seething Explosion V
[Elyos Only]
57 [Cooldown] 10.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost DP] 2000
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 784 (22)
[Attack effect] Stumble
[Accurate hit level 2]
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 348
[Physical Active skill]
2581 FI_PowerSlash_G4 Body Smash IV
58 [Cooldown] 12.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 287 (2)
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 353
[Physical Active skill]
2580 FI_RaisingImpact_G4 Aerial Lockdown IV
[Cooldown] 180.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 73 MP
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Self Flying Restriction] Ground
[Target Flying Restriction] Ground
SkillATK_Instant Damage 179 (3)
[Attack effect] OpenAerial
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 271
[Physical Active skill]
321 FI_ShockImpulse_G1 Piercing Wave I
50 [Delay ID] 320 [Delay ID] 321
2582 FI_Stigma_DrainCut_G3 Draining Blow III
57 [Cooldown] 30.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 142 MP
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Target valid status] Stumble
SkillATKDrain_Instant Damage 510 (18)
[Life Leech] 100%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 398
[Normal Stigma]
[Physical Active skill]
400 FI_Stigma_ShockBurst_G1 Piercing Rupture I
50 [Delay ID] 320 [Delay ID] 321
2557 FI_VigorBody_UP_G1 Vitality Recharge I
56 [Duration] 30.0
[Cooldown] 300.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 154 MP
[Target] Me
Heal per tick 400 (2)
(133.3 (0.7) HPS, 4000 (20) total)
[Tick rate] 3.0
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Enmity] 13130 (130)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 102911
[Delay ID] 484
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 1
[Physical Active skill]
2583 WA_GateCrush_G4 Siegebreaker IV
58 [Cooldown] 12.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 1 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 0
[Conditional Damage] +7000 on _Race_PC_Light_Castle_door, _Race_PC_Dark_Castle_door, _Race_Dragon_Castle_Door
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Delay ID] 183
[Normal Stigma]
[Physical Active skill]
2577 WA_Provoke_G5 Taunt V
57 [Cooldown] 12.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 15
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Not resistable]
[Enmity] 43499 (955)
[Delay ID] 125
[Magical Active skill]