Aion Classic (c2.8) Skills Comparison (changes only)

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2705 ALL_areaATK Area Explosion
[PvP Damage] 120%
[Cooldown] 40.0
[Multicast] 3
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 3 MP
[AOE] FireBall radius 10
[Max affected targets] 6
[Chain] [Start] → ALL_SEL_ChainA_1th
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant fire Damage 2000
[Acc mod] +3000
[Magical Active skill]
50053 action_pet_pc_doping2 Buff Master
50054 action_pet_pc_doping3
2704 ALL_critical Rapid Attack
[Duration] 3.0
[Cooldown] 90.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 3 MP
[Target] Me
OneTimeBoostSkillCritical 9999 times
OneTimeBoostSkillAttack +50%, 9999 Magical attack skills
[Critical Prob Modifier] 1%
[Enmity] 1687 (100)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 176 176
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 1
[Magical Active skill]
2706 ALL_teleport Rift Step
[Cooldown] 7.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 3 MP
[Range] 30
[Target] Target
[Self Flying Restriction] Ground
[Target Flying Restriction] Ground
MoveLocation 30
[Not resistable]
[Magical Active skill]
10656 ap_boost_100 Combat Committee's Regular Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
ApBoost 100%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10657 ap_boost_200 Combat Committee's Greater Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
ApBoost 200%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10655 ap_boost_50 Combat Committee's Lesser Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
ApBoost 50%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
2662 AS_Stigma_ShadowWalk_pvp Shadow Walk
[Duration] 300.0
[Cooldown] 180.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 8 MP
[Target] Me
Hide speed 80%, level 2, usable buffs 0, take hits 0
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 165
[Delay ID] 878
[Dispel category] Extra
[Magical Active skill]
20614 BIDPHAISTOS_ThunderLaser Aether Energy Bombing
[Cast Time] 3.0
[Duration] 10.0
[Range] 70
[AOE] LightningBolt length 50, width 4
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Air Damage 5003 (3)
[Random Damage] type 15 on 60
[Attack effect] Stagger5
[Not resistable]
[Acc mod] +9999
Snare 50%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20007
[Delay ID] 111
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Magical Active skill]
17861 BNEL_MPattSleepTA40_AddReflect60 Sleep of Death
[Additional effect not resistable]
17919 BNPEL_ParDotTA40c8_ice_Area Quick Freeze
17916 BNPEL_SnareSlowDotTA40_AddRefSh_Nr Deep Freeze
17920 BNPEL_SpellLongStunTA15_Ch1_Water Cold Water Strike
2666 CH_BrutalStrike_pvp Soul Strike
[Duration] 2.0
[Cooldown] 12.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 7 MP
[Range] 25
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 475 (11)
[Random Damage] Type 1: 0.5/1.0/1.5x
[Acc mod] +3000
[Enmity] 3275
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20000
[Delay ID] 1336
[Dispel category] Stun
[Dispel level required] 1
[Physical Active skill]
2700 EL_Dark_Summon_TempestElemental_G1 Summon Tempest Spirit I
[Cast Time] 4.5
[Cooldown] 3600.0
[Cost DP] 2000
[Target] Me
[Self Flying Restriction] Ground
[Target Flying Restriction] Ground
Summon Dark_Summon_TempestElemental_G1, duration 1200
[Enmity] 2268
[Delay ID] 1046
[Magical Active skill]
2664 EL_FireFear_pvp Curse of Fire
[Duration] 6.0~8.0
[PvP Duration] 80%
[Cooldown] 90.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 12 MP
[Range] 25
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
Deform EL_FireFear_G1_NPC, usable skills None
[Acc mod] +3000
Fear retention rate on hit 100
Snare 30%
[Additional effect not resistable]
ElementalDefendWater -100
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Enmity] 13102
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 175 20103 20007 (200) 117814
[Delay ID] 1783
[Dispel category] DebuffMen
[Dispel level required] 1
[Magical Active skill]
2701 EL_Light_Summon_MagmaElemental_G1 Summon Magma Spirit I
[Cast Time] 4.5
[Cooldown] 3600.0
[Cost DP] 2000
[Target] Me
[Self Flying Restriction] Ground
[Target Flying Restriction] Ground
Summon Light_Summon_MagmaElemental_G1, duration 1200
[Enmity] 2268
[Delay ID] 1046
[Magical Active skill]
201 Enchant_Effect_PvE_DeboostHealAmount Increases received Healing by 7%%
DeBoostHealAmount -7%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12011
[Magical Passive skill]
204 Enchant_Effect_PvE_DRBoost Increases Drop Rate by 30%%
DRBoost 30%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12041 (1)
[Magical Passive skill]
202 Enchant_Effect_PvE_MaxHP HP +500
maxHp +500
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12021
[Magical Passive skill]
203 Enchant_Effect_PvE_PVEAttackRatio Increases PvE Attack against Bosses by 10%%
PvEAttackRatio_BossTarget +100
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12031
[Magical Passive skill]
208 Enchant_Effect_PvP_ParalyzeDuration Reduces Godstone Paralyze Duration by 50%%
ParalyzeDuration -50%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12081
[Magical Passive skill]
205 Enchant_Effect_PvP_ProcDamageReduce Reduces incoming Godstone Elemental Damage by 50%%
ProcDamageReduce +50%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12051
[Magical Passive skill]
207 Enchant_Effect_PvP_SilenceDuration Reduces Godstone Silence Duration by 50%%
SilenceDuration -50%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12071
[Magical Passive skill]
206 Enchant_Effect_PvP_StunDuration Reduces Godstone Stun Duration by 50%%
StunDuration -50%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 12061
[Magical Passive skill]
20626 event_paralyze_r2_50a Vidar's Dignity
[Cast Time] 3.0
[Duration] 3.0
[AOE] FireBall radius 30
[Max affected targets] 110
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
[Acc mod] +3000
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20002
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Magical Active skill]
20627 event_silence_r2_50a Khrudgelmir's Tacitness
[Cast Time] 3.0
[Duration] 5.0
[AOE] FireBall radius 50
[Max affected targets] 110
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
[Acc mod] +3000
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20101
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Magical Active skill]
17461 GNFI_ParaBoltHTA_AddSUPhyatt Electric Current Shock
[Additional effect not resistable]
17897 GNFI_ParaBoltTA30_AddSUPhyatt Endless Power
18363 GNFI_RSnareSatk_No_Nc Shackle
18375 GNPR_SpStunTA_AddSUatt_Stu Shock of Wrath
20619 IDElim_damage_Area Taloc's Tears
[Duration] 3.0
[Cooldown] 10.0
[AOE] FireBall radius 7
[Max affected targets] 6
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
NoReduceSpellATK_Instant Damage 5000
[Enmity] 1
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20000 (200)
[Delay ID] 61
[Magical Active skill]
20620 IDElim_damage_Target Shishir's Powerstone
[Cooldown] 10.0
[Range] 20
[Target] target
[Target relation] Enemy
NoReduceSpellATK_Instant Damage 7000
[Delay ID] 61
[Magical Active skill]
20621 IDElim_Shield_Self Gellmar's Wardstone
[Duration] 20.0
[Cooldown] 30.0
[Target] Me
Shield 10000 per hit, limit 10000
Applies on EveryHit, chance 100%
[Enmity] 1
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 154 (200)
[Delay ID] 62
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
20622 IDElim_Sleep_Area Neith's Sleepstone
[Duration] 15.0
[Cooldown] 30.0
[AOE] FireBall radius 10
[Max affected targets] 4
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
[Enmity] 1
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20106
[Delay ID] 62
[Dispel category] DebuffMen
[Magical Active skill]
20616 IDPHAISTOS_Cure_NoMove Flow of Purification
[AOE] Fireball radius 4
[Target] Me
Dispel Effect_ID 202231
[Delay ID] 113
[Dispel category] Buff
[Magical Active skill]
20624 IDphaistos_disc_Atk Pierce
[Range] 25
[AOE] Firestorm radius 10, angle 90
[Max affected targets] 12
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 7500 (500)
[Random Damage] Type 3: 0.9/1.0/1.1x on BasicDMG
[Not resistable]
[Magical Active skill]
20623 IDphaistos_disc_Pulled Protector's Call
[Range] 90
[AOE] fireball radius 90
[Max affected targets] 12
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant fire Damage 550 (50)
[Random Damage] Type 3: 0.9/1.0/1.1x on BasicDMG
[Attack effect] Pulled
[Not resistable]
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Magical Active skill]
20609 IDPHAISTOS_MindControl Mind Control
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Duration] 2.0
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 1
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 0
[Random Damage] type 12 on 2000
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20104
[Delay ID] 106
[Magical Active skill]
20604 IDPHAISTOS_OddStorm Aether Energy Resonance
[Cast Time] 2.5
[AOE] Fireball radius 10
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 2504 (4)
[Delay ID] 101
[Physical Active skill]
[Cast Time] 1.5
[Duration] 86400.0
[AOE] Fireball radius 1
[Target] Me
Speed +15% (5%)
AttackDelay +21 (1)
magicalattack +1200
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 10174041
[Delay ID] 109
[Dispel category] Buff
[Magical Active skill]
20615 IDPHAISTOS_Thunder_NoMove Unstable Flow
[Cast Time] 1.0
[AOE] Fireball radius 3
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 3.0x
[Damage do not count toward Enmity]
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Delay ID] 112
[Dispel category] Buff
[Magical Active skill]
20610 IDPHAISTOS_ThunderAttack Lightning Impact
[Cast Time] 1.0
[Duration] 1.5
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 1
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Air Damage 2510 (10)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20000
[Delay ID] 107
[Dispel category] Stun
[Magical Active skill]
20606 IDPHAISTOS_ThunderDrop Time Distortion
[Cast Time] 1.0
[Duration] 0.5
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 1
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 2015 (15)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20000
[Delay ID] 103
[Dispel category] Stun
[Magical Active skill]
20613 IDPHAISTOS_ThunderLaser Aether Energy Bombing
[Cast Time] 2.5
[Duration] 10.0
[Range] 70
[AOE] LightningBolt length 50, width 4
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Air Damage 5003 (3)
[Random Damage] type 15 on 60
[Attack effect] Stagger5
[Not resistable]
[Acc mod] +9999
Snare 50%
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20007
[Delay ID] 110
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Magical Active skill]
20607 IDPHAISTOS_WaterBoom Undertow Siel's Power
[Cast Time] 6.0
[Duration] 10.0
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 20
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 4510 (10)
[Random Damage] Type 3: 0.9/1.0/1.1x on BasicDMG
[Not resistable]
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 1020607 20000
[Delay ID] 104
[Dispel category] Stun
[Magical Active skill]
20603 IDPHAISTOS_WaterBreath Concentrated Siel's Aura
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 40
[AOE] Firestorm radius 30, angle 90
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 1.51x (0.01x)
[Conditional Damage] +200 on
[Random Damage] type 0
[Delay ID] 100
[Magical Active skill]
20608 IDPHAISTOS_WaterMeteor Siel's Judgement
[Cast Time] 4.0
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 3
[Max affected targets] 24
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 7500 (500)
[Attack effect] Stagger5
[Acc mod] +9999
[Delay ID] 105
[Magical Active skill]
20605 IDPHAISTOS_WaterPoison Siel's Curse
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Duration] 150.0
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 1
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 2003 (3)
[Damage do not count toward Enmity]
[Not resistable]
SpellATK Water damage per tick 353 (3)
(117.7 (1.0) DPS, 17650 (150) total)
[Tick rate] 3.0
[Additional effect not resistable]
ElementalDefendWater -500
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Enmity] 2511 (52)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 202231 114652 (40) 116632
[Delay ID] 102
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Magical Active skill]
20611 IDPHAISTOS_WaterrArrow Siel's Power
[Cast Time] 1.0
[Range] 50
[AOE] Fireball radius 1
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Water Damage 2510 (10)
[Delay ID] 108
[Magical Active skill]
8660 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_50a Magical Wind Damage Effect
[Acc mod] -300 [Acc mod] +100
8664 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_50b
8656 item_skill_proc_bleed_l1_50a Bleeding
8652 item_skill_proc_blind_l1_50a Blindness
8659 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_50a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8663 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_50b
8657 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_50a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8661 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_50b
8649 item_skill_proc_paralyze_l1_50a Paralyze
8655 item_skill_proc_poison_l1_50a Poison Slash
8650 item_skill_proc_root_l1_50a Immobilization
8651 item_skill_proc_silence_l1_50a Silence
8654 item_skill_proc_slow_l1_50a Attack Speed Reduction
8653 item_skill_proc_snare_l1_50a Movement Speed Reduction
8648 item_skill_proc_stun_l1_50a Stun
8658 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_50a Magical Water Damage Effect
8662 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_50b
2691 KN_StunningSnacher_new_G1 Doom Lure I
[Duration] 10.0
[Cooldown] 30.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 76 MP
[Range] 15 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 0
[Attack effect] Pulled
[Damage do not count toward Enmity]
Snare 50%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword dagger mace polearm staff sword
[Enmity] 17203 (410)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20007
[Delay ID] 523
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Dispel level required] 1
[Physical Active skill]
2659 KN_StunningSnacher_pvp Doom Lure
[Duration] 10.0
[Cooldown] 30.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 8 MP
[Range] 20
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 0
[Attack effect] Pulled
[Damage do not count toward Enmity]
[Acc mod] +3000
Snare 50%
[Enmity] 17203 (410)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20007
[Delay ID] 524
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Dispel level required] 1
[Physical Active skill]
20586 LDF3_01_FP_plus Flight Recovery
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 5
[AOE] fireball radius 10
[Max affected targets] 12
[Target] Target
[Target species] PC
FpHeal_Instant 21 (1)
[Not resistable]
[Required Weapon] Any
[Magical Active skill]
20602 LDF3_01_Named_Statup_Yellow Mutated Siel's Power
[Duration] 86400.0
[Target] Me
physicalDefend +500
magicalDefend 0
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Dispel category] Buff
[Magical Active skill]
20573 LDF4a_D2_LD_HardBlow_MDamage Magical Blow
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 40
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Fire Damage 1.75x (0.1x)
[Random Damage] Type 3: 0.9/1.0/1.1x on BasicDMG
[Magical Active skill]
20574 LDF4a_D2_LD_HardBlow_MDamageStumble Magical Smash
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Duration] 2.0
[Range] 40
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant Fire Damage 1.4x (0.1x)
[Random Damage] Type 3: 0.9/1.0/1.1x on BasicDMG
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20000
[Dispel category] Stun
[Magical Active skill]
20571 LDF4a_D2_LD_HardBlow_PDamage Remote Strike
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 40
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 80 (15)
[Accurate hit level 255]
[Physical Active skill]
20577 LDF4a_D2_LD_SlowdownArrow Slowing Arrow
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Duration] 10.0
[Range] 40
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 60 (15)
[Accurate hit level 255]
Snare 50%
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20007
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Physical Active skill]
20572 LDF4a_D2_SD_Butt_PDamageStumble Rough Press Strike
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 3
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 55 (15)
[Attack effect] Stumble
[Accurate hit level 255]
[Physical Active skill]
20570 LDF4a_D2_SD_HardBlow_Pdamage Quick Strike
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 3
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 90 (15)
[Accurate hit level 255]
[Physical Active skill]
20568 LDF4a_D2_SD_StatupMgiAtk Sorcerer's Boon
[Duration] 30.0
[Usable while moving]
[Target] Me
MagicalSkillBoost +40%
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 10198551
[Magical Active skill]
20569 LDF4a_D2_SD_StatupMgiDef Magic Shield
[Duration] 60.0
[Usable while moving]
[Target] Me
ElementalDefendAll +50%
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 10198561
[Magical Active skill]
20566 LDF4a_D2_SD_StatupPhyAtk Warrior's Boon
[Duration] 30.0
[Usable while moving]
[Target] Me
PhyAttack +40%
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 10198531
[Magical Active skill]
20567 LDF4a_D2_SD_StatupPhyDef Ironskin
[Duration] 60.0
[Usable while moving]
[Target] Me
PhysicalDefend +50%
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 10198541
[Magical Active skill]
20578 LDF4a_Heal_SelfArea Area Heal
[Cast Time] 5.0
[AOE] fireball radius 20
[Max affected targets] 12
[Target] Me
[Target relation] Friend
Heal_Instant 15%
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Magical Active skill]
20575 LDF4a_Heal_Target Heal
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 30
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Friend
Heal_Instant 15%
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Magical Active skill]
20576 LDF4a_SAI35_T40_Arrow Unerring Arrow
[Cast Time] 2.0
[Range] 40
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 80 (15)
[Accurate hit level 255]
[Physical Active skill]
20579 LF5_24_NamedBuff Losing Rationality
[Duration] 86400.0
[Target] Me
phyAttack +11% (1%)
AttackDelay +11% (1%)
[Required Weapon] Any
[Delay ID] 1501
[Dispel category] Buff
[Magical Active skill]
20583 LF5_Item24_SatkSA_Donut Soaring Thorn
[Cast Time] 5.0
[Range] 15
[AOE] fireball radius 50, min dist 10
[Max affected targets] 255
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 75 (15)
SkillATK_Instant Damage 27% (7%)
[Random Damage] Type 1: 0.5/1.0/1.5x
[Accurate hit level 255]
[Not resistable]
FPATK_Instant 20
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Physical Active skill]
20581 LF5_Item24_SatkTA Infernal Thorn
[Cast Time] 2.5
[Range] 15
[AOE] Firestorm radius 30, angle 90
[Max affected targets] 255
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 196 (15)
SkillATK_Instant Damage 6% (1%)
[Attack effect] Stumble
[Not resistable]
FPATK_Instant 20
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Required Weapon] Any
[Delay ID] 1
[Physical Active skill]
20585 LF5_Item24_SatkTA_Pull Fetters
[Cast Time] 1.0
[Duration] 6.0
[Range] 50
[AOE] fireball radius 20
[Max affected targets] 255
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SpellATK_Instant fire Damage 110 (10)
[Random Damage] Type 3: 0.9/1.0/1.1x on BasicDMG
[Attack effect] Pulled
[Not resistable]
Absolutesnare 30%
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 10217151
[Dispel category] DebuffMen
[Magical Active skill]
20584 LF5_Item24_SatkTA_Rectangle Ocean Cleave
[Cast Time] 2.5
[Duration] 5.1 (0.1)
[Range] 15
[AOE] LightningBolt length 30, width 10
[Max affected targets] 255
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 75 (15)
SkillATK_Instant Damage 13% (3%)
physicalDefend -70 (-20)
FPATK_Instant 20
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Required Weapon] Any
[Enmity] 120 (60)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 40152
[Delay ID] 4
[Dispel category] DebuffPhy
[Physical Active skill]
20582 LF5_Item24_SatkTA_Sector Fanatic Roar
[Cast Time] 2.5
[Range] 26
[AOE] fireball radius 10
[Max affected targets] 255
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 60 (10)
SkillATK_Instant Damage 11% (1%)
[Random Damage] Type 1: 0.5/1.0/1.5x
[Attack effect] Stagger
[Accurate hit level 255]
[Not resistable]
FPATK_Instant 20
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Physical Active skill]
17089 NAR_PulledSnare_Poi Aerial Draw
[Additional effect not resistable]
17063 NGR_SpellATKDrain_StunTA_Poi Consume Flesh
8634 NormalAttack_Stagger_4 Stunned
[Duration] 0.5 (0.5) [Duration] 4.0 (4.0)
8785 NormalAttack_Stagger_5 [Cast Time] 3.0
[Duration] 0.5 (0.5)
[Range] 10 + wpn range
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Not resistable]
[Required Weapon] Any
[Enmity] 1100 (100)
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20010
[Dispel category] Stun
[Physical Active skill]
16728 NPR_SpellStun_Scream Scream
[Additional effect not resistable]
17716 NRA_SATKLgStunTA_mortal_ADDleh Accurate Shot
16767 NSC_StunSA_Nr Wide Stun
16706 NWA_KnockBack_Snare Sprain
20580 NWA_Satk_Nr_D2 Strike
[Cast Time] 2.5
[Range] 15
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
SkillATK_Instant Damage 100 (15)
SkillATK_Instant Damage 12% (2%)
FPATK_Instant 20
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Required Weapon] Any
[Delay ID] 1
[Physical Active skill]
17261 NWI_ParalyzeHSA_Thunder Lightning Shock
[Additional effect not resistable]
17717 NWI_SpellongParTA_mortal_ADDleh Wonderful Magic
20618 Polymorph_IDElim_Dark_Avatar Taloc Fruit
[Duration] 86400.0
[Usable while moving]
[Target] Me
ShapeChange Kaspa_Guardian_Dark, usable skills PC
maxHp +90000
maxMp +45000
PMDefend +500
hpregen +900
speed +10
[Required Weapon] Any
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 175 (250) 191372 191373
[Dispel category] Npc_Buff
[Magical Active skill]
20617 Polymorph_IDElim_Light_Avatar [Duration] 86400.0
[Usable while moving]
[Target] Me
ShapeChange Kaspa_Guardian_Light, usable skills PC
maxHp +90000
maxMp +45000
PMDefend +500
hpregen +900
speed +10
[Required Weapon] Any
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 175 (250) 191362 191363
[Dispel category] Npc_Buff
[Magical Active skill]
2665 PR_CureCondition_pvp Dispel
[Cooldown] 0.5
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 5 MP
[Range] 23
[Target] TargetorMe
[Target relation] Friend
DispelDebuffPhysical 100 [level 1] [strength 30]
[Enmity] 1760
[Delay ID] 740
[Magical Active skill]
2661 RA_SabageRoar_pvp Mau Form
[Duration] 30.0
[Cooldown] 180.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 5 MP
[Target] Me
ShapeChange LycanD, usable skills PC
PhyAttack +27%
hitaccuracy +50
AttackDelay +26%
Speed +39%
[Enmity] 696
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 175 (160) 107832 (160) 107833 (160) 107834 (160)
[Delay ID] 784
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 2
[Magical Active skill]
2660 RA_WildRoar_pvp [Duration] 30.0
[Cooldown] 180.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 5 MP
[Target] Me
ShapeChange LycanL, usable skills PC
PhyAttack +27%
hitaccuracy +50
AttackDelay +26%
Speed +39%
[Enmity] 696
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 175 (160) 107832 (160) 107833 (160) 107834 (160)
[Delay ID] 793
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 2
[Magical Active skill]
2688 Test_PvEAttackRatio PvE Attack Buff
[Duration] 3600.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 15
[Target] TargetOrMe
[Target relation] Friend
[Target species] PC
PvEAttackRatio +500
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 101751 (100)
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 100
[Magical Active skill]
2690 Test_PvEBothRatio PvE Attack, Defense Buff
[Duration] 3600.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 15
[Target] TargetOrMe
[Target relation] Friend
[Target species] PC
PvEAttackRatio +300
PvEDefendRatio +300
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 101751 (100)
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 100
[Magical Active skill]
2689 Test_PvEDefendRatio PvE Defense Buff
[Duration] 3600.0
[Usable while moving]
[Range] 15
[Target] TargetOrMe
[Target relation] Friend
[Target species] PC
PvEDefendRatio +500
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 101751 (100)
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 100
[Magical Active skill]
2667 TH_ElectricBind_pvp Chains of Judgment
[Cooldown] 60.0
[Cost] 9 MP
[Range] 9
[AOE] Fireball radius 7
[Max affected targets] 3
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Target Flying Restriction] Ground
SpellATK_Instant Air Damage 1370 (17)
[Attack effect] OpenAerialTH
[Acc mod] +3000
[Delay ID] 2440
[Magical Active skill]
2658 WA_Steadiness_pvp Unwavering Devotion
[Duration] 90.0
[Cooldown] 180.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 8 MP
[Target] Me
arStunLike +1000
[Enmity] 11737
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 102871
[Delay ID] 371
[Dispel category] Buff
[Dispel level required] 1
[Magical Active skill]
2668 WI_DimensionDoor_pvp Teleport
[Cooldown] 7.0
[Usable while moving]
[Cost] 4 MP
[Target] Me
[Self Flying Restriction] Ground
RandomMoveLoc forward 12
Dispel Effect_Type Root Snare
[Magical Active skill]
2663 WI_SleepingStorm_pvp Sleeping Storm
[Cast Time] 1.0
[Duration] 20.0
[PvP Duration] 40%
[Cooldown] 180.0
[Cost] 19 MP
[Range] 25
[AOE] FireBall radius 12
[Max affected targets] 6
[Target] Target
[Target relation] Enemy
[Acc mod] +3000
ElementalDefendAll +500
[Additional effect not resistable]
[Enmity] 12997
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 20106 114432
[Delay ID] 784
[Dispel category] DebuffMen
[Dispel level required] 1
[Magical Active skill]
10663 potion_of_search_01 Trap: Hide Detection Effect
[Duration] 10.0
[Target] Me
Search [Detect hide] 1
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 166
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
10664 potion_of_search_02 Keen Eyes Effect
[Duration] 10.0
[Target] Me
Search [Detect hide] 2
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 166 (20)
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
8547 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
[Acc mod] -300 [Acc mod] +100
8551 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40b
8575 item_skill_proc_blind_l1_40b Blindness
8546 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_40a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8544 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_40a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8536 item_skill_proc_paralyze_l1_40a Paralyze
8574 item_skill_proc_silence_l1_40b Silence
8535 item_skill_proc_stun_l1_40a Stun
8545 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
8549 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40b
8547 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
8546 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_40a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8544 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_40a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8545 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
10653 combine_boost_100 Crafting Committee's Regular Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
CombinePointBoost 100%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10654 combine_boost_200 Crafting Committee's Greater Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
CombinePointBoost 200%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10652 combine_boost_50 Crafting Committee's Lesser Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
CombinePointBoost 50%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10650 gather_boost_100 Gathering Committee's Regular Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
GatherPointBoost 100%
ExtractGatherPointBoost 100%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10651 gather_boost_200 Gathering Committee's Greater Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
GatherPointBoost 200%
ExtractGatherPointBoost 200%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10649 gather_boost_50 Gathering Committee's Lesser Secret
[Duration] 3600.0
[Target] Me
GatherPointBoost 50%
ExtractGatherPointBoost 50%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10659 gather_boost_short_100 Gathering Committee's Regular Mystery
[Duration] 60.0
[Target] Me
GatherPointBoost 100%
ExtractGatherPointBoost 100%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10660 gather_boost_short_200 Gathering Committee's Greater Mystery
[Duration] 60.0
[Target] Me
GatherPointBoost 200%
ExtractGatherPointBoost 200%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10658 gather_boost_short_50 Gathering Committee's Lesser Mystery
[Duration] 60.0
[Target] Me
GatherPointBoost 50%
ExtractGatherPointBoost 50%
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10663 potion_of_search_01 Trap: Hide Detection Effect
[Duration] 10.0
[Target] Me
Search [Detect hide] 1
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 166
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
10664 potion_of_search_02 Keen Eyes Effect
[Duration] 10.0
[Target] Me
Search [Detect hide] 2
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 166 (20)
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
8617 item_skill_proc_air_damage_fx_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
[Acc mod] -300 [Acc mod] +100
8623 item_skill_proc_air_damage_fx_40b
8547 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40a
8551 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40b
8565 item_skill_proc_air_damage_u1_40a
8569 item_skill_proc_air_damage_u1_40b
8668 item_skill_proc_air_damage_u1_50a
8672 item_skill_proc_air_damage_u1_50b
8432 item_skill_proc_bleed_30a Bleeding
8433 item_skill_proc_bleed_30b
8613 item_skill_proc_bleed_fx_40a
8619 item_skill_proc_bleed_fx_40b
8543 item_skill_proc_bleed_l1_40a
8718 item_skill_proc_bleed_r2_50a
8543 item_skill_proc_bleed_l1_40a
8539 item_skill_proc_blind_l1_40a Blindness
8575 item_skill_proc_blind_l1_40b
8714 item_skill_proc_blind_r2_50a
8575 item_skill_proc_blind_l1_40b
8617 item_skill_proc_air_damage_fx_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
8623 item_skill_proc_air_damage_fx_40b
8613 item_skill_proc_bleed_fx_40a Bleeding
8619 item_skill_proc_bleed_fx_40b
8616 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_fx_40a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8622 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_fx_40b
8614 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_fx_40a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8620 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_fx_40b
8612 item_skill_proc_poison_fx_40a Poison Slash
8618 item_skill_proc_poison_fx_40b
8615 item_skill_proc_water_damage_fx_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
8621 item_skill_proc_water_damage_fx_40b
8430 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_30a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8431 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_30b
8616 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_fx_40a
8622 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_fx_40b
8546 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_40a
8550 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_40b
8716 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_r2_50a
8564 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_u1_40a
8568 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_u1_40b
8667 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_u1_50a
8671 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_u1_50b
8428 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_30a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8429 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_30b
8614 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_fx_40a
8620 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_fx_40b
8544 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_40a
8548 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_40b
8715 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_r2_50a
8562 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_u1_40a
8566 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_u1_40b
8665 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_u1_50a
8669 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_u1_50b
8536 item_skill_proc_paralyze_l1_40a Paralyze
8712 item_skill_proc_paralyze_r2_50a
8536 item_skill_proc_paralyze_l1_40a
8612 item_skill_proc_poison_fx_40a Poison Slash
8618 item_skill_proc_poison_fx_40b
8542 item_skill_proc_poison_l1_40a
8717 item_skill_proc_poison_r2_50a
8542 item_skill_proc_poison_l1_40a
8537 item_skill_proc_root_l1_40a Immobilization
8538 item_skill_proc_silence_l1_40a Silence
8574 item_skill_proc_silence_l1_40b
8713 item_skill_proc_silence_r2_50a
8574 item_skill_proc_silence_l1_40b
8541 item_skill_proc_slow_l1_40a Attack Speed Reduction
8540 item_skill_proc_snare_l1_40a Movement Speed Reduction
8535 item_skill_proc_stun_l1_40a Stun
8615 item_skill_proc_water_damage_fx_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
8621 item_skill_proc_water_damage_fx_40b
8545 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40a
8549 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40b
8563 item_skill_proc_water_damage_u1_40a
8567 item_skill_proc_water_damage_u1_40b
8666 item_skill_proc_water_damage_u1_50a
8670 item_skill_proc_water_damage_u1_50b
10644 item_potion_hp_65 Healing
[Target] Me
ProcHeal_Instant 2200
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10646 potion_hp_mp_65 Special Instant Recovery
[Target] Me
ProcHeal_Instant 2150
ProcMpHeal_Instant 1790
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10645 item_potion_mp_65 Mana Treatment
[Target] Me
ProcMpHeal_Instant 1840
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Magical Active skill]
10641 item_remedy_hp_65 Healing
[Duration] 20.0
[Target] Me
ProcHeal_Instant 240
Heal per tick 240
(120.0 HPS, 2400 total)
[Tick rate] 2.0
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 209582
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
10643 remedy_hp_mp_65 Special Recovery
[Duration] 20.0
[Target] Me
ProcHeal_Instant 235
ProcMpHeal_Instant 195
Heal per tick 235
(117.5 HPS, 2350 total)
[Tick rate] 2.0
MPHeal per tick 195
(97.5 HPS, 1950 total)
[Tick rate] 2.0
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 209582 218232
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
10642 item_remedy_mp_65 Mana Treatment
[Duration] 20.0
[Target] Me
ProcMpHeal_Instant 200
MpHeal per tick 200
(100.0 HPS, 2000 total)
[Tick rate] 2.0
[Required Weapon] 2hsword book bow dagger mace orb polearm staff sword
[Effect ID (basiclv)] 218232
[Dispel category] buff
[Magical Active skill]
10521 item_deva_Ship_AEDamage Shulack Bomb
NoReduceSpellATK_Instant Damage 4000 NoReduceSpellATK_Instant Damage 2000
8544 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_40a Magical Fire Damage Effect
[Acc mod] -300 [Acc mod] +100
8545 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
8546 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_40a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8547 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
8266 item_skill_proc_air_damage
8263 item_skill_proc_bleed Bleeding
8259 item_skill_proc_blind Blindness
8267 item_skill_proc_earth_damage Magical Earth Damage Effect
8264 item_skill_proc_fire_damage Magical Fire Damage Effect
8256 item_skill_proc_paralyze Paralyze
8262 item_skill_proc_poison Poison Slash
8257 item_skill_proc_root Immobilization
8258 item_skill_proc_silence Silence
8261 item_skill_proc_slow Attack Speed Reduction
8260 item_skill_proc_snare Movement Speed Reduction
8255 item_skill_proc_stun Stun
8265 item_skill_proc_water_damage Magical Water Damage Effect
8547 item_skill_proc_air_damage_l1_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
8546 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_l1_40a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8544 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_l1_40a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8545 item_skill_proc_water_damage_l1_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
8617 item_skill_proc_air_damage_fx_40a Magical Wind Damage Effect
8623 item_skill_proc_air_damage_fx_40b
8613 item_skill_proc_bleed_fx_40a Bleeding
8619 item_skill_proc_bleed_fx_40b
8616 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_fx_40a Magical Earth Damage Effect
8622 item_skill_proc_earth_damage_fx_40b
8614 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_fx_40a Magical Fire Damage Effect
8620 item_skill_proc_fire_damage_fx_40b
8612 item_skill_proc_poison_fx_40a Poison Slash
8618 item_skill_proc_poison_fx_40b
8615 item_skill_proc_water_damage_fx_40a Magical Water Damage Effect
8621 item_skill_proc_water_damage_fx_40b